Inventory system somewhat working.

I’ve been fiddling with the inventory system for a little while now. Recently I’ve been trying to add functionality to picked up items, but now I also got around to fixing the rest of the inventory system.

I’ve gone for a “locked” 8-slot inventory, controlled by the number bar (as is pretty much standard). Empty slots have a beige background, full slots have the image of the item (duh). Right now the only items you can pick up are rocks, but I could technically just add the “Item”-script to any item and it would be pickupable (that’s not a word!). I have to script something to check if the item is too large for the screen as when you equip an item it shows up in the center, and if you were to pick up more than 8 items I think the game would crasch (haven’t tested that yet).

Anyway, it’s progress. Before I move on I’ll have to finish the code for the scale of equipped items and an Inventory-limit. After that I think it’s time to look at some more functionality on the houses. Stay tuned!

(I’ll try to get some images in here later)

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